This week we keep working with our Lab 4, making some improvement to our code and checking if everything is working properly. I will be posting the result of this lab once I finish fixing and polishing the code.
In class, we keep discussing the difference between x86_64 and AArch64 Assembler. Both of them can be similar but there are some differences between them such as how we interpret the code and writing is different.
For Example, with x86_64 when we add %r10, %r11 this means add r10 and r11 put the result in r11. with AArch64, add r0,r1,r2 we can interpret this as load r0 with r1+r2 or r0=r1+r2. Also, AArch64 has 31 registers and x86_64 have 16 registers.
Finally, we discuss the basics of an assembler, their format and how it compares to Linux language. Also, the different compilation modes such as GNU Assembler, NASM Assembler or using GCC. More information about this can be found here (