This week's online lecture we discuss Profiling and the different commands(gprof or perf) and approaches that we can take. Also, we had an optional lecture about Building Software whereas an example gzip was used which is open-source. The purpose of this optional lecture is to show us how we can approach our project stages which were very helpful for me to understand the different ways I can work with an open-source package and where to start looking. Besides, an example of the use of time -v to check for usage and performance of the file.
Some Linux tips for our project stages of Benchmarking and Profiling such as the screen -RaD to reattach sessions. How to run different and repeat the test? 1. for ((x=0; x<3; x++ )) ; do whateveryoutesting; done
To print line to separate the test
for ((x=0; x<3; x++ )) ; do echo; echo =====Trial $x; whateveryoutesting; done
2. for FILE in test1 test 2 test3; do echo ---- File: $FILE; whateveryoudoing; done;
for FILE in test1 test 2 test3; do for((x=0; x<3; x++ )); do echo; do echo ---- File: $FILE Itiration:$x; whateveryoudoing; done; done; (Nested Loops)
for FILE in test1 test 2 test3; do for((x=0; x<3; x++ )); do echo; do echo ---- File: $FILE Itiration:$x; whateveryoudoing; done; done; |& tee output.log
Personal Note:
For this week, I am making some progress on my labs and stage 2 of the project that I will be posting soon with my results and thoughts.